Found in: current ncORF study

peptide details
peptide_group N
genome_location_chr chr1|-|241512129|241512139|241513596|241513614
protein_id_best ALL_00332725.p1
gene_id_best XLOC_015081
psms_q_value_min 0.00008
peptides_q_value_min 0.000952
relaxed 1
stringent 0
strictest 0
relaxed_PepQuery 1
stringent_PepQuery 0
strictest_PepQuery 0
GENCODE_location_group All_transcript_coding
genome_loc_count 1
spectrums_count_relaxed 28
PRIDE projects and raw files of the MS spectra

Intronic CRISPR repair in LZTR1-deficient iPSC-cardiomyocytes from Noonan syndrome patients reveals new treatment options

instruments: Q Exactive

IDshort activationMethod #spectrum #PSM #PSM(q<0.01) scan ID
1AEP HCD 19060 18225 7178 3043
1AF1 HCD 19916 19149 8240 2877
1AFD HCD 19708 18934 8135 2781
1AH2 HCD 19088 17936 3714 2905
1AJ2 HCD 18203 17263 3969 2997
1AKQ HCD 18605 17405 2358 2969
1AL2 HCD 19726 18706 4214 3242
1AM2 HCD 19227 18050 4155 3287
1AME HCD 19776 18732 5085 3250
1AN2 HCD 19214 18154 5868 3164
1ANE HCD 19294 18120 5758 3223

Human brain LC-MS/MS - Brain Citrullination Patterns and T Cell Reactivity of Cerebrospinal Fluid-Derived CD4+ T Cells in Multiple Sclerosis

instruments: Q Exactive

IDshort activationMethod #spectrum #PSM #PSM(q<0.01) scan ID
1L1Z HCD 30994 28898 10345 1900

A draft map of the human proteome

instruments: LTQ Orbitrap Elite, LTQ Orbitrap Velos

IDshort activationMethod #spectrum #PSM #PSM(q<0.01) scan ID
46D HCD 18945 18108 7132 1822


PRIDE changed the names for some raw files. For example, file with link "http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2020/06/PXD019483/20180920_QX3_JoMu_SA_LC12-7_uPAC200cm_HeLa+iRT_2-1verdunnt_F7.raw" were changed to "http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2020/06/PXD019483/20180920_QX3_JoMu_SA_LC12-7_uPAC200cm_HeLaiRT_2-1verdunnt_F7.raw". You may need to find the correct url by visiting the Project link directly. In this example, the project link is "http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pride/data/archive/2020/06/PXD019483"