peptide_group | N |
genome_location_chr | chr1|-|241512129|241512139|241513596|241513614 |
protein_id_best | ALL_00332725.p1 |
gene_id_best | XLOC_015081 |
psms_q_value_min | 0.00008 |
peptides_q_value_min | 0.000952 |
relaxed | 1 |
stringent | 0 |
strictest | 0 |
relaxed_PepQuery | 1 |
stringent_PepQuery | 0 |
strictest_PepQuery | 0 |
GENCODE_location_group | All_transcript_coding |
genome_loc_count | 1 |
spectrums_count_relaxed | 28 |
Intronic CRISPR repair in LZTR1-deficient iPSC-cardiomyocytes from Noonan syndrome patients reveals new treatment options
instruments: Q Exactive
IDshort | activationMethod | #spectrum | #PSM | #PSM(q<0.01) | scan ID |
1AEP | HCD | 19060 | 18225 | 7178 | 3043 |
1AF1 | HCD | 19916 | 19149 | 8240 | 2877 |
1AFD | HCD | 19708 | 18934 | 8135 | 2781 |
1AH2 | HCD | 19088 | 17936 | 3714 | 2905 |
1AJ2 | HCD | 18203 | 17263 | 3969 | 2997 |
1AKQ | HCD | 18605 | 17405 | 2358 | 2969 |
1AL2 | HCD | 19726 | 18706 | 4214 | 3242 |
1AM2 | HCD | 19227 | 18050 | 4155 | 3287 |
1AME | HCD | 19776 | 18732 | 5085 | 3250 |
1AN2 | HCD | 19214 | 18154 | 5868 | 3164 |
1ANE | HCD | 19294 | 18120 | 5758 | 3223 |
Human brain LC-MS/MS - Brain Citrullination Patterns and T Cell Reactivity of Cerebrospinal Fluid-Derived CD4+ T Cells in Multiple Sclerosis
instruments: Q Exactive
IDshort | activationMethod | #spectrum | #PSM | #PSM(q<0.01) | scan ID |
1L1Z | HCD | 30994 | 28898 | 10345 | 1900 |
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